Falcon IV Turf Type Tall Fescue

Falcon IV Turf Type Tall Fescue

from $30.50

Falcon IV is a new and improved, heat and disease resistant, tall fescue variety developed for superior turf quality across a wide area of adaptation. It is dark green in color, fine textured with excellent wear tolerance. Falcon IV exhibits a unique combination of traits including dense growth, improved turf quality and resistance to brown patch incited by Rhizoctonia solani. Falcon IV is an endophyte enhanced tall fescue with >92% Neotyphodium coenophialum endophyte which provides resistance to a number of leaf and crown feeding insects and nematodes. The presence of endophyte also contribute to improved biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, faster seedling establishment, enhanced fall recovery and reduced summer weed invasion.

Falcon IV is recommended for permanent turf in full sun or partial shade, on home lawns, commercial sites, parks, sod farms and golf course roughs. It was developed for the discriminating superintendent, landscaper and top grounds maintenance professionals in a range of environments. Falcon IV is best utilized in grass seed mixtures maintained at a high height of cut with Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, hard fescue, sheep fescue or strong creeping red

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•Excellent heat resistance

• Wide area of adaptation

• Darker green coloration

• Fine leaf texture

• Excellent wear tolerance

• Fast establishment

• Fast recovery

• Dense growth

Primary Pest and Disease Resistances

• Endophyte resistance to many surface-feeding insects

• Brown Patch resistant

• Leaf Spot resistant

• Pythium Blight resistant

• Winter Net Blotch resistant

Seeding Rates

• New Turf 6–8 lbs/1,000 sq ft

• Overseeding 2-3 lbs/1,000 sq ft

Mow Height

• Recommended - 2 in

• Max - 3 in

• Min - 1.5 in

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